We are a small science education materials supplier dedicated to creating and providing original, inexpensive, and innovative hands-on material that engages students actively in learning science. Our staff and workforce consists of just three individuals: William Brenton, Sebastian Brenton, & Davis Hammon.

Many of the models have been successfully employed by numerous teachers many times in fifth through twelfth-grade classes in various science disciplines. They are now meant to enhance already existing lessons in Middle School Science classes and High School Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, and Biology. They are also quite useful and have been employed in College and University science classes as well. Booklets with lessons and blackline masters of the manipulatives are also available for teachers who are looking for a ready-made lesson. A middle school teacher has successfully used the isotope lessons for almost fifteen years.

Products include printed cards that yield three-dimensional models of all the atoms in the periodic table from hydrogen to and including krypton. Three-dimensional versions of models of ions for Groups IA, IIA, VIA, and VIIA are also available along with hybridized versions of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine for constructing molecules. Presently these are the only models available with removable valence electrons that hold atom models together to make models of molecules analogous to real-life situations.


They allow students to engage in kinesthetic learning and provide a unique opportunity to enrich the minds of students in new and engaging way. Studies show that students learn best when learning is active, when they are engaged in hands-on classroom activities.

Scientists believe that when children use all of their senses it helps the brain create pathways that make is easier and quicker to retain information. According to Stein and Bovalino (2001), “Manipulatives can be important tools in helping students to think and reason in more meaningful ways. … The effective use of manipulatives (e.g. Quanta to Galaxies models) help students connect ideas and integrate their knowledge to that they gain a deep understanding of mathematical concepts.” Common Core and NGSS standards covered or at least “touched on” when our products are used: