Welcome! We are a small science education materials supplier dedicated to creating and providing original, inexpensive, and innovative hands-on material that engages students actively in learning science. Our staff and workforce consists of just three individuals: William Brenton, Sebastian Brenton, & Davis Hammon.
Our emphasis is on kinesthetic learning, the physical involvement of students cutting out diagrams representing parts of atoms, ions, isotopes, and molecules printed on card-stock paper. Students construct their own manipulatives for their classroom activities and lessons. The first models took weeks to make and were made of plywood with nuts and bolts representing the electrons. It was a slow, but effective process at first which evolved into cutting out cardboard boxes and using clips for electron. After many trials and mistakes the present forms emerged which can be cut out and assembled in as little as 15 to 20 minutes.
Showing all 13 results
Atomic Structure Lesson
$9.00 -
Atomic Structure Lesson Refill
$5.00 -
Electron Configuration Chart
$6.00 -
3D Hydrogen (with Helium)
$0.50 -
3D Helium (with Hydrogen)
$0.50 -
3D Lithium
$1.00 -
3D Beryllium
$0.50 -
3D Boron
$0.50 -
3D Carbon
$0.50 -
3D Nitrogen
$0.50 -
3D Oxygen
$0.50 -
3D Fluorine
$0.50 -
3D Neon